Aware Networks


Cliqtodo™ is a mobile-first web service for individuals, family, or friends, to organize, plan, and track their activities. Working on multiple topics, you may have various goals to meet at different times. For each topic, Cliqtodo keeps a record of goals, to-dos, and related notes. 

Designed for smartphone use from your favorite browser pointed at, this service provides seamless access from your tablet or laptop browser. From your mobile device you can set and track to-dos, add notes, and, if working in a team, assign to-dos to team members.

Access here the service:


Who can use Cliqtodo?

Organize your activities in topics. For each topic set goals and to-dos and track goal progress when viewing to-dos status.

Family and friends
Share topics, discuss through the exchange of notes, assign to-dos, and track progress.  

Topics & goals

Organize your activities in distinct topics and set relevant goals for each topic. To track the progress of your activities, you can view for each goal the status of its to-dos. 

Topics can have sub-topics and Cliqtodo keeps a searchable history of notes for each topic.

Add notes & 
assign to-dos 

In each topic you can add notes about your activities and associated to-dos. You can also add separate comments to each to-do. 

Topics can be shared by teams and you can assign to-dos to your team members.

Need to interact with others? 

Need to chat about an issue with a team member? Send to the member a chat message and they will be alerted via text or email.

In addition, topics can be set to send alerts upon new posts or when to-dos status is changed by another team member. 

Weekly & monthly calendars 

Track to-dos status in weekly or monthly calendars. 
For each calendar, you can view the progress of your to-dos in Kanban boards that show the state of each to-do (to-do, doing, or done).

You can opt to receive text or email alerts before to-dos are due.

Team Benefits

Cliqtodo can serve distributed teams that rely on their smartphone for activity collaboration. Why would a team want to use Cliqtodo over other tools? 
Keep reading:

Team Benefits